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- 10 print"[147]":poke 53280,5:poke 53281,0
- 20 if peek(49152)<>76 then load "hires",8,1
- 97 :
- 98 rem initialize variables
- 99 :
- 100 hires=12*4096:draw=hi+3:plot=dr+3:move=pl+3:clscr=mo+3:dmode=cl+3
- 110 selpc=dm+3:colour=se+3:box=co+3:text=bo+3:prnt=te+3:chset=pr+3:trap=ch+3
- 120 goto 1000
- 197 :
- 198 rem plot the graph
- 199 :
- 200 x=x+dx:if x>xax then 500
- 210 sys trap,400 : rem catch any errors in function calculations
- 220 y=sin(2*x) + cos(3*x) : rem insert function to be graphed here
- 230 sys trap,450 : rem now catch any plotting errors
- 240 xp=(x-xin)*sx : rem x-coordinate for plot
- 250 yp=(y-yin)*sy : rem y-coordinate for plot
- 260 on pf goto 290,310
- 267 :
- 268 rem last point was plotted ok, so draw from last point to current point
- 269 :
- 270 sys draw,xp,yp
- 280 goto 200
- 287 :
- 288 rem last point was out of range, so draw from boundary to current point
- 289 :
- 290 sys draw,xp,boundary to xp,yp
- 300 pf=0:goto 200
- 307 :
- 308 rem last point was not defined, so just plot the current point
- 309 :
- 310 sys plot,xp,yp
- 320 pf=0:goto 200
- 397 :
- 398 rem something went wrong with the function
- 399 :
- 400 err=peek(781):pf=2
- 410 if err=14 then 200 : rem illegal quantity error
- 420 if err=20 then 200 : rem division by zero error
- 430 if err=16 then 200 : rem overflow error
- 440 if err=11 then sys prnt,3,23,"syntax error in function definition":goto 510
- 445 sys prnt,4,23,"oops! i forgot about error #"+str$(err):goto 510
- 446 :
- 447 rem tried to plot out of range. x-coord. should be o.k.
- 448 rem therefore, just test the y-coord.
- 449 :
- 450 err=peek(781):if err<>14 then 445
- 460 if yp>199 then boundary=199 : rem point is above top of screen
- 470 if yp<0 then boundary=0 : rem point is below bottom of screen
- 480 if pf=0 then sys draw,xp-dx,boundary
- 490 pf=1:goto 200
- 497 :
- 498 rem end by pressing <return>
- 499 :
- 500 sys prnt,13,23,"graph completed"
- 510 get a$:if a$<> chr$(13) then 510
- 520 end
- 997 :
- 998 rem begin the show
- 999 :
- 1000 xin=-2*(NULL) : rem minimum value for x
- 1010 xax= 2*(NULL) : rem maximum value for x
- 1020 yin=-3.0 : rem minimum value for y
- 1030 yax= 3.0 : rem maximum value for y
- 1040 sx=160/(xax-xin) : rem scale in x direction
- 1050 sy=200/(yax-yin) : rem scale in y direction
- 1060 dx= (xax-xin)/160 : rem set increment for 160 point plot
- 1070 pf=2 : rem initialize plotting flag
- 1080 rem pf=0 ... last point calculated was plotted o.k.
- 1090 rem pf=1 ... last point calculated was out of range
- 1100 rem pf=2 ... last point calculated was undefined
- 1110 x=xin - dx : rem initialize x
- 1120 sys hires,1,0,1,0,1
- 1130 sys dmode,1:sys selpc,1
- 1140 goto 200